School News

School News

Super Sandwich makers!

Year 1 completed a sandwich DT project this week. We followed the design process of designing (including researching/tasting), making and then evaluating…

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Charlie visits Year 1

Charlie came to visit Year 1 as part of their science learning. The children have been learning all about animals and how…

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Y1 to the rescue!

Today Y1 visited the National Emergency Services Museum. This term we have been learning all about the Great Fire of London and…

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Y1 Great fire relief printing

Year 1 have been exploring printing. We already have practised using different shapes, stamps and objects. This term we have practiced relief…

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Y3 Liturgical Year mime

This week Year 3 have been thinking more about the Liturgical Calendar. They were given the challenge of miming a time from…

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School Mass at St. Vincent’s

On Sunday 21st January children from St. Marie’s school helped lead the 9.30am Mass at St. Vincent’s Church. The children welcomed, read…

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Yayoi Kusama and Year 1

Last week Year 1 started to look at the work of artist Yayoi Kusama. We had learned about Henri Rousseau and Pointillism…

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Robotics Fun at Sheffield High

The Robotics Day at Sheffield High on Friday was a fantastic day and the pupils involved represented St Marie’s fantastically.  In the morning,…

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Year 4 visit Jorvik

On Friday, the Year 4 children travelled back in time to Jorvik, a Viking settlement.  The children dug up artefacts at DIG…

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Amazing Athletes!

Well done to our talented St Marie’s Indoor Athletics Team, who participated in an exhilarating competition at All Saints School on Tuesday…

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Remembrance Liturgy

On Tuesday Fr. Chris and Y6 lead our Remembrance Liturgy. In the Catholic faith the month of November is one where we…

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Baptism in Y1

This week Year 1 have been learning more about the Sacrament of Baptism. We started with the baby or person to be…

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Saxon Shields!

The children in Year 4 have been working hard to make their own Anglo- Saxon shields. Check out our photo gallery below…

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Crazy Hair Day in Year 4

Before the half-term holiday, the children in Year 4 came to school with crazy hair as part of our fundraiser for the…

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Chocolate umbrellas?

Last week in science we talked about would chocolate would be a good material for an umbrella? We thought it would melt…

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Y1 Material hunters!

This afternoon Year 1 went on a materials hunt. Now we know what different types of materials are called (wood, plastic, glass,…

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Viking Visitor in Year 4

On Friday, Erik the Viking visited St Marie’s to teach Year 4 all about the Anglo- Saxons and Vikings.The children talked about…

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Anglo- Saxons so far…

On Friday afternoon, the children in Year 4 looked at Anglo- Saxon runes. They wrote different sentences using the runes and even…

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Padley Power to Victory!

Our KS2 Sports Day at EIS Sheffield was enthusiastic, energetic and full of wonderful team spirit! Our 4 house teams paraded proudly…

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Science Week Challenge

Mr Fernandes received an email this week asking for some help… Dear Mr Fernandes,   Following the disappearance of my colleague Dr.…

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SFSS Netball Tournament

Congratulations to our netballers who represented St Marie’s in the Netball League competition held at Sheffield High School on Wednesday. Well done to…

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Quiz and Chips

Saturday evening turned out to be a great evening of quizzing with over 60 people battling it out in teams for the…

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Smoke Free Sheffield

Message from Smokefree Sheffield: Smoking remains one of the biggest killers, accounting for 15% of all deaths in the UK in 2019…

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World Book Day

Well, what a fantastic World Book Day! A huge thank you to everyone who took part and really helped raise the profile…

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HSA School Disco

Congratulations to all our super disco dancers who danced into the evening at the HSA school disco. Party games and snacks were provided…

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Candlemas Liturgy

This morning Father Clement came to lead us in our Candlemas Liturgy. Our class candles started at the back of the hall.…

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